Flu Recommendations

Flu Vaccine Recommendations

Influenza is a leading cause of respiratory illness in the fall and winter months, leading to missed work and school days, and in severe cases, hospitalization. The CDC recommends everyone 6 months and older receive the flu vaccine.

Frequently Asked Questions

The university does not require these vaccines. We recommend these vaccines if you and your provider determine it’s right for you. This helps keep all of the campus safe.
The flu is a virus that can change over time so you might not have antibodies to the most common variants during flu season. Additionally, your antibody levels drop after 6 months, putting you at greater risk for the flu.
No it is not true. The vaccine does not contain any type of live virus. Since it takes 2 weeks to form antibodies, chances are you’ve coincidentally contracted some type of respiratory virus.
September to October is the best time to get the flu vaccine to offer the best protection throughout the flu season.
You may be vaccinated at any time during the flu season. If you missed the October recommendation, you should still get the vaccine.
It takes about 2 weeks to build antibodies.
While people may get the flu after being vaccinated, it is generally milder and less likely to result in hospitalization. In addition, by getting the flu vaccine, you help protect those around you who cannot get the flu vaccine.
Yes, if you need the COVID vaccine or a booster, they can be administered on the same day.
People 65 and older are advised to get a “high-dose” flu vaccine in September or October to offer the best protection. If the high-dose is not available, people 65 and older should get a standard flu vaccine rather than wait.
Pregnant women should be vaccinated to protect you during your pregnancy and protect your newborn who is too young to get the flu vaccine. Talk to your healthcare provider about timing of the flu vaccine, which may vary depending on due date.
The CDC has updated its guidelines related to flu vaccine in people with an egg allergy - you may be eligible. Talk with your healthcare provider to determine if flu vaccine is appropriate in your case.
  1. Good hand hygiene – wash your hands or use sanitizer if water and soap aren’t available.
  2. Stay home if you are sick!
  3. Wear a mask and/or stay at least 6 feet away from others if you have any flu symptoms.
  4. If you are in a high-risk group or have moderate to severe flu symptoms, contact your healthcare provider to determine if anti-viral medication is appropriate for you.
The flu is a highly contagious disease that is usually spread by droplets from sneezing, coughing, and talking near other people who inhale these droplets. You are MOST contagious right before you even experience symptoms beginning and continue for another 3-4 days after symptoms begin. You should avoid going to work or school during that time.

A flu test can be done in your healthcare provider’s office or an urgent care center. Symptoms of the flu can occur anywhere from 2-4 days after exposure.

Common flu symptoms include:

  • Fever or feeling feverish or chills
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue (tiredness)
  • Vomiting and diarrhea (more common in children)